The focus of the Early Clinical Trial Unit (ECTU) for early clinical trials is on the initial clinical testing of active substances for the treatment of largely untreatable diseases of the central nervous system (CNS), such as multiple sclerosis or Parkinson's disease. In the area of clinical research, our core expertise lies in the planning and quality-assured implementation of clinical studies, as well as in the early clinical development of drug candidates. The aim is to bring scientific findings quickly and specifically into diagnostics, therapies and prevention.
The ECTU, which is located within the UMG, has all the necessary personnel and structural requirements that are necessary and prescribed for conducting early phase I studies. It comprises four modern bed spaces, a monitoring room, a doctor's room and rooms for laboratory, documentation and archiving. The rooms of the ECTU are deliberately located particularly close to the neurological intensive care unit, the neurological day clinic and the outpatient rooms of the Department of Neurology at the UMG. In addition, the admission ward of the Central Emergency Department (ZNA) is also located in the front part of ward 2011, so that immediate emergency care of the volunteers can be ensured.
In the ECTU, study participants are treated in early clinical phase I/II studies. The aim of phase I studies is to gain information on the tolerability, safety and pharmacokinetics of new substances.
The Fraunhofer ITMP sees itself as a strong partner both for university medicine for the consistent translation of research findings into application and for the pharmaceutical and biotechnological industry.