Fraunhofer Institute for Translational Medicine and Pharmacology ITMP



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News / 3.3.2025

NDR Info features Drug Repurposing at Fraunhofer ITMP


Low patient numbers impede the development of new drugs for rare diseases. Drug repurposing, which repurposes existing drugs for other indications, offers a path forward. With its high-quality drug repurposing substance library, comprising over 6000 clinically tested and partially approved drugs, and its expertise in drug screening, the Hamburg site of Fraunhofer ITMP supports clinical research for the treatment of rare diseases. A radio report from NDR Info reports on this (in German only).

News / 24.2.2025

New machine learning model can help identify new antibiotics


As part of the COMBINE project at Fraunhofer ITMP Hamburg, a machine learning model has been developed to identify new antibiotics and reduce research costs and complexity. It is based on a FAIR-compliant antimicrobial knowledge graph, the first aggregated dataset based on in vitro data of its kind. Successful experimental tests with the EU-OPENSCREEN compound library confirm its applicability. Both the database and model are publicly available and now published in the Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling.

News / 12.2.2025

USA withdraws from WHO – consequences for pandemic response?


The World Health Organization (WHO) coordinates international measures against pandemics, supports states and distributes resources in times of crisis. But now, on the first day of his second term in office, Donald Trump has announced the United States’ withdrawal from the WHO. What impact would this have on the international fight against pandemics? Prof. Michael Hoelscher, head of Fraunhofer ITMP location Immunology, Infection and Pandemic Research IIP in Penzberg/Munich, gives his assessment of the possible consequences in an interview with the Apotheken-Umschau. 

Research Divisions

Fraunhofer ITMP is organized in 3 cross-site research divisions.


Drug Discovery


From target to screening to lead optimization and formulation.


Preclinical Research


Translational cycles and OMICs analyses for characterization of biological mechanisms and novel targets.


Clinical Research


From „Proof-of-Concept“ to the characterization of established products: “Quality by Design” for successful translation of innovative ideas.

Innovation Areas

Fraunhofer ITMP is optimally interconnected internally as well as externally with other Fraunhofer institutes, universities and industry via the innovation areas. This is the prerequisite for transdisciplinary and flexible cooperation in the areas of new technologies, disease and treatment concepts.

Institute Locations


Headquarters of Fraunhofer ITMP

Frankfurt am Main


The site has strong expertise in pharmacology and clinical trials in immune-mediated diseases and pain. 

Discovery Research ScreeningPort



The site has strong expertise in high-throughput drug discovery (in silico, in vitro screening and drug repurposing) as well as a broad offering in "medical data science".

Translational Neuroinflammation and Automated Microscopy TNM


The site has strong expertise in high- and super-resolution microscopy techniques; as well as neuroinflammation and degenerative diseases.

Immunology and Allergology IA


The site has strong expertise in dermatology, allergology, and immunological mast cell-mediated inflammatory diseases of the skin.

Immunology, Infection and Pandemic Research IIP


The site has strong expertise in developing interventions to address the outbreak of new and spread of existing infectious diseases.