
Disease modeling

Patient-specific and CRISPR/cas9-engineered human iPSCs have revolutionized the field of disease modeling. iPSCs can be derived in a disease- or patient-specific context, allowing for a variety of applications: following differentiation into disease-relevant cell types, iPSCs with the desired genetic background can be used as disease models to investigate disease-causing mechanisms and to screen and test novel therapeutic compounds.

Our team offers:

  • Custom generation of iPSC disease models using CRISPR/Cas9 technology
  • Access to a large biobank of iPSC lines from patients with neuronal and cardiovascular diseases
  • Directed differentiation of iPSCs into disease-relevant functional cell types (including derivation of distinct neuronal or cardiac subtypes) up to organoid and tissue level
  • Functional and molecular assays to assess the severity of disease-specific phenotypes, including the establishment and validation of robust readouts. 

Cell Painting 2.0

Cell painting approaches allow the parallel recording of different cellular parameters. By using gene editing approaches to simultaneously label subcellular compartments and organelles in combination with genetic biosensors, we have taken cell painting to the next level. Our iPSC reporters enable high-content imaging-based recording of iPSC-derived cells and their response to drugs, toxins, etc. in real time over hours, days and weeks.

Our solutions include:

  • Visualization of various subcellular compartments and organelles (e.g. mitochondria, endosomes, lysosomes, Golgi apparatus, nuclei, neuronal synapses, cardiac sarcomeres, etc.)
  • Development and optimization of genetic biosensors (e.g. for recording apoptosis or activity of distinct signaling pathways)

Imaging-based drug and toxicity screens

Human iPSCs and disease-relevant iPSC-derived cell types (such as neurons, hepatocytes or cardiomyocytes) are a powerful tool for testing cellular responses to substances, drugs and toxins to identify novel therapeutics or toxic doses of agents. Here, automated high-content imaging systems combined with AI-assisted deep learning approaches enable the simultaneous screening of multiple compounds and the detection of unbiased and unpredictable phenotypic patterns.

Our solutions include:

  • Establishment and optimization of disease-specific iPSC-based screening platforms for real-time drug and toxicity testing
  • Use of iPSC disease models and cell painting 2.0 iPSC reporters in high-content screening platforms