Event Series "Inflammation Medicine"

Interdisciplinary research approaches in the field of inflammatory medicine at the Fraunhofer ITMP

Immune-mediated inflammatory diseases, such as psoriasis, psoriatic arthritis or chronic inflammatory bowel disease, often affect several organ systems simultaneously and therefore often require interdisciplinary treatment.

Patients from the greater Frankfurt am Main area benefit from the interdisciplinary consultation hours of the 4D Inflammation Clinic at Frankfurt University Hospital, in which experts from rheumatology, dermatology and gastroenterology jointly discuss cases of the disease. In cooperation with Frankfurt University Hospital, Fraunhofer ITMP is currently working on an improved treatment option for those affected.

The close interlinking of care and research aims to decipher the common causes of these diseases and to be able to recommend tailored therapies to patients in future. In order to achieve this goal, doctors and scientists from different disciplines are working together to combine their scientific findings.


The interdisciplinary perspective at Fraunhofer ITMP is also reflected in numerous internal and public event formats. Together with various project partners and networks (Fraunhofer CIMD, TheraNova) and supported by the research-based pharmaceutical company Janssen, we are planning both, small focused meetings and larg information and discussion events that address the expertise of various target groups (patients, medical specialists, clinician scientists, data scientists, young scientists, etc.).

Here you can get an overview of our event portfolio.

You will find current events assigned to the various modules of the event series. Dates, times and content are updated on an ongoing basis.

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4D Inflammation Clinic

The 4D Inflammation Clinic addresses the multidisciplinary treatment needs of patients with immune-mediated inflammatory diseases in order to improve the care and treatment of those affected.

Data Science Meets Clinical Data

The focus is on the exchange of practical insights from experts in the fields of data science and clinical research to develop innovative approaches for the integration of data science into clinical practice.


Medical Need and Research Questions

The focus is on analyzing challenges and formulating new research questions, taking into account the perspective of those affected. An exchange for the development of innovative approaches to improve inflammation medicine.

Summer Schools and Educational Workshops

Summer / winter schools and thematic workshops promote knowledge transfer and innovation through the exchange between medical professionals and young scientists.

Indication Symposium “Networked Inflammation Medicine”

Scientific symposium to promote the exchange between different inflammation centers in Germany.

Interdisciplinary thematic workshops

Scientific formats that focus on the dialog between different players in health research are offered in cooperation with the Fraunhofer CIMD.

Partner und Netzwerke

Janssen-Cilag GmbH

Als forschendes Pharmaunternehmen im Indikationsgebiet Psoriasis/Psoriasis Arthritis unterstützt Janssen Deutschland finanziell die Planung, Organisation und Durchführung der oben genannten Aktivitäten.

Leistungszentrum TheraNova

Das Leistungszentrum TheraNova vereint vielfältige Aktivitäten unter einem gemeinsamen Dach, mit dem Ziel, ein gemeinsames Forschungs- und Entwicklungsportfolio mit innovativen Therapeutika und dessen Transfer in Produkte und medizinische Anwendungen zu erstellen. 

Fraunhofer CIMD

Zentrales Ziel des Fraunhofer Cluster of Excellence for Immune-Mediated Diseases ist die Translation innovativer Ideen und identifizierter Targets in individualisierte Therapien für Immunerkrankungen. somit soll die aktuell bestehende Lücke zwischen Arzneimittelforschung und der tatsächlichen Patientenversorgung geschlossen werden.